October 2004 - February 2005
San Francisco, Ca
Project Description
I had just been kicked out of my childhood home and moved in with my girlfriend. She was a Buddhist which was in part the reason I was kicked out - this was a hard time for my mother.
She ended up being my hiring manager at the Mindful Body, which would be more than questionable hiring practices by todays standards. I was hired to be a receptionist in the company, and would check in students and clients at the front desk.
My time in this company was restorative and fun. It had an excellent community, and I grew in significant personal ways during these short months.
I would also get to take restorative Yoga Classes that were led by my girlfriend. I may have had mother issues because this was a deeply self actualizing experience. Namaste.
The Mindful Body is a yoga and massage studio serving San Francisco since 1994. It offers a wide range of yoga styles, individualized attention and small class size. They specialize in high-quality, deep tissue massage.
Answering phones - where do you think I got such a pleasant phone voice from?
Sign in yoga classes and message clients - Included sign in sheet preparation, display and recording
Cashier - They don't trust just anybody to handle cash, I am special
Setting the Mood - This was not in the job description but I found to be the most important part of the job. It includes candle lighting, music playing, and setting the right tone with how you greet people. I was a legend.